EI Cure Project becomes a Swiss Association

This week marks an important one in the history of the EI Cure Project. My husband and I legally and formally founded the EI Cure Project with the help of our wonderful friend and Lawyer Nicola Fornara of Tamagni Fornara & Associates of Lugano. This is a very important step for us all, it means we are more than just a GoFundMe, and are now a formal Not-for-Profit organisation on the Commercial Registry here in Switzerland. Once we have our official bank account set-up, investors will be able to claim tax relief on their donations, and their donations will be recognised as a gift for a charitable cause.

The purpose of the EI Cure Project is also clearly stated here:

The EI cure project aims to raise funds for the explicit intent of providing research grants to help those affected by Epidermolytic Ichthyosis (EI). Funding may be used for pre-clinical and clinical research with the intention of finding a cure for EI”. 

The formal registration of our Not-for-Profit organisation means that your donations can only be used for this purpose, and nothing else. As a formal association, we will be independently audited once per year, and regulated according to Swiss Law. So please be reassured that here at the EI Cure Project, your donations are safe, and we are very, very serious about achieving our goals, to give grants explicitly to find a cure for EI.


Family Lark success!


Collaboration with ICHTHYP foundation